David Element
Photography and Digital Video Images
and Damselflies 9 – Brilliant Emeralds
metallica (m)
- The Brilliant Emerald Dragonfly Somatochlora metallica
is a beautiful metallic green dragonfly with a strange distribution. There
are two entirely separate ranges in southeast England and the Highlands of
Scotland. Brilliant Emeralds are difficult to photograph as they have a tendency to roost in inaccessible or well
camouflaged locations, typically settling on pine or heather and as the
photographer has not had any opportunity to photograph one for a number of
years, he has been restricted to illustrating this species with an old,
scanned transparency. If new material is obtained it will be substituted –
this is certainly an ambition as they are beautiful insects! In the south
this dragonfly is most likely to be confused with the very similar Downy Emerald Dragonfly Cordulia aenea
is generally a brighter, shinier green. In Scotland there is further
possible confusion with the Northern
Emerald Dragonfly Somatochlora arctica
(not illustrated).
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© David Element