David Element


Wildlife Photography and Digital Video Images


______________________________________________________________________________________________ Flies 53 – Black-horned Gem Soldierflies



A close-up of a fly on a leaf

Description automatically generated


BLACK-HORNED GEM SOLDIERFLY Microchrysa polita (f)


A close-up of a fly on a leaf

Description automatically generated


BLACK-HORNED GEM SOLDIERFLY Microchrysa polita (f)


·         Black-horned Gem Soldierflies Microchrysa polita are small, metallic flies, belonging to a genus with three British representatives. There appears to be an association with decomposing vegetation including (unsurprisingly) compost-heaps, meaning that they are more likely to be encountered in gardens than most other soldierflies. Because of their diminutive size they may easily be overlooked.


·         This useful identification aid is highly recommended: ‘Identifying soldierflies and allies: Chloromyia and Microchrysa soldierflies: http://soldierflies.brc.ac.uk/sites/www.brc.ac.uk.soldierflies-and-allies/files/chloromyia%20and%20microchrysa%20id%20guide%20v2.pdf


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