David Element


Wildlife Photography and Digital Video Images


__________________________________________________________________________________________________Flies 62 – Lesser Hornet Hoverflies



A bee on a flower

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LESSER HORNET HOVERFLY Volucella inanis (m)


A bee on a flower

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LESSER HORNET HOVERFLY Volucella inanis (m)


A bee on a flower

Description automatically generated


LESSER HORNET HOVERFLY Volucella inanis (m)


·         The Lesser Hornet Hoverfly Volucella inanis is the smaller of two similarly marked and convincing hornet mimics in the UK belonging to the genus Volucella (the Banded or Hornet Hoverfly V. zonaria being the other – noticeably larger and more robust, and with thicker abdominal stripes and brown thoracic markings). Both species buzz loudly when in flight, enhancing this subterfuge. The strategy works well as a deterrent to most predatory birds, but these harmless insects are likely to be summarily swatted by many humans because of their fear of social wasps.


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