David Element
Wildlife Photography and Digital
Video Images
Hymenoptera 34 – Blue Mason Bees
BLUE MASON BEE Osmia caerulescens (f)
BLUE MASON BEE Osmia caerulescens (f)
BLUE MASON BEE Osmia caerulescens (f)
MASON BEE Osmia caerulescens
vernacular name of the Blue Mason Bee Osmia caerulescens
may appear to be fanciful unless the small and very chunky female is examined
from more than one angle. As will be evident from the photographs there is only
a faint blue tinge on the abdomen visible in the third photograph and the
overall appearance is usually that of an entirely black bee. Females are
relatively straightforward to identify as their heads are relatively large but
the males are far less straightforward as there are two other species that
appear to be very similar, they are all very small and their appearance can
differ considerably with age once the hairs have been worn away. These will
need to be separated using appropriate references or by association with the
females of the same species.
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