David Element


Wildlife Photography and Digital Video Images


________________________________________________________________ Hymenoptera 45 – Black-horned Nomad Bees




A close up of a flower

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BLACK-HORNED NOMAD BEE Nomada rufipes (f)


A insect on a flower

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BLACK-HORNED NOMAD BEE Nomada rufipes (f)


A insect on a flower

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BLACK-HORNED NOMAD BEE Nomada rufipes (f)


A close up of a flower

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BLACK-HORNED NOMAD BEE Nomada rufipes (f)


A close up of a flower

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BLACK-HORNED NOMAD BEE Nomada rufipes (f)


A close up of a flower

Description automatically generated


BLACK-HORNED NOMAD BEE Nomada rufipes (f)



·         The Black-horned Nomad Bee Nomada rufipes is one of more than 30 similar rather wasp-like cleptoparasitic bees inhabiting the UK with mainly black and yellow or black and rufous markings and relatively hairless bodies. These bees lay their eggs in the nests of other solitary bees, often (but not exclusively) belonging to the Andrena genus. Each will utilise one or more species as a host. Once the egg has been laid the Nomada larva will kill the intended recipient of the food-supply (by biting it!) that has been provided by the unwitting host species and exploit this resource for its own development. A close study of the biology of ground-nesting solitary bees will reveal some fascinating (and to human eyes perhaps rather disturbing and ruthless) behaviour and the interrelationship between bees, parasitic bees, wasps and flies is highly complex and absorbing to watch – even if it means getting one’s knees dirty!


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