David Element
Wildlife Photography and Digital Video Images
112 – Copper Underwing Moths
COPPER UNDERWING MOTH Amphipyra pyramidea
COPPER UNDERWING MOTH Amphipyra pyramidea
The Copper Underwing Moth Amphipyra
pyramidea (Noctuidae,
Amphipyrinae) is one of a pair of species, the
other being Svensson’s Copper Underwing A. berbera
svenssoni, that may be difficult to tell
apart with certainty. There are subtle (but perhaps inconsistent) features on
the uppersides of the wings that may increase the
probability of correct identification (for example, the shape of the wavy
cross-lines and the brightness of the markings), but examination of the underside
of the underwings is ideally required to obtain an unequivocal identification
based on the examination of the markings alone, something that is unlikely to
apply unless one of these insects has been captured. Having weighed up these
factors (without examination of the hindwings), the moths illustrated above,
and photographed in Switzerland, appear to be A. pyramidea, having been compared with reference photographs and accurate
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