David Element


Wildlife Photography and Digital Video Images


____________________________________________________________________ Moths 37 – Burnished Brass Moths




A butterfly on a flower

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BURNISHED BRASS MOTH Diachrysia chrysitis f. aurea


A butterfly on a flower

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BURNISHED BRASS MOTH Diachrysia chrysitis f. aurea


A butterfly on a flower

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BURNISHED BRASS MOTH Diachrysia chrysitis f. aurea


A butterfly on a flower

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BURNISHED BRASS MOTH Diachrysia chrysitis f. aurea


A butterfly on a flower

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BURNISHED BRASS MOTH Diachrysia chrysitis f. aurea


A moth on a leaf

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BURNISHED BRASS MOTH Diachrysia chrysitis f. aurea


·         The metallic reflections of the appropriately named Burnished Brass Moth Diachrysia chrysitis (Noctuidae, Plusiinae) are best observed in sunlight on the occasions when this attractive species flies during the day. Most of the above photographs illustrate a freshly emerged and pristine example of the form aurea (this has two separated brassy bands on each forewing) feeding on Field Scabious Knautia arvenesis. It cannot have been particularly windy as this flower is supported by a slender stem that would have responded to the slightest breeze, making it difficult to obtain any photographs. In some of the photographs the forewings were being vibrated, hence the blurring. In form juncta, shown in the final photograph (scanned from an old transparency) the brassy bands are partially connected.



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