David Element


Wildlife Photography and Digital Video Images


___________________________________________________________________ Moths 38 – Dotted Border Moths




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DOTTED BORDER MOTH Agriopis marginaria (m)


·          The Dotted Border Moth Agriopis marginaria is one of several species belonging to the large family Geometridae in which only the males possess fully formed wings. Those of the females are vestigial, and they are therefore only able to move about on foot, essentially having just a single biological function, namely that of egg-laying. To some extent this must limit dispersal from established ranges, but the fact that the males can fly freely and are able to locate remote females in response to pheromonal signals reduces the risk of in-breeding and helps to maintain genetic diversity. The vernacular name refers to the rather indistinct series of black marginal spots on the trailing edges of the males’ forewings. The ground colour of the wings may be variable. The freshly emerged male illustrated above had been attracted to artificial light. His coloration was typical, but some individuals are much darker.   



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