David Element
Wildlife Photography and Digital Video Images
97 – Lydd Beauty Moths
BEAUTY MOTH Peribatodes ilicaria
BEAUTY MOTH Peribatodes ilicaria
The presence of the curved black crosslines on the
hindwings of the Lydd
Beauty Moth Peribatodes ilacaria (Geometridae, Ennominae) is reportedly the only clearly visible feature
that will enable this moth to be distinguished from similar, cryptically marked,
and difficult to identify species, of which there are several, so it is hoped
that the identification of the freshly emerged moth in the photograph (taken in
France) has been arrived at correctly! Worn specimens are likely to be
unidentifiable if the scales are missing. Lydd Beauties are comparatively
strongly marked, so the definition of the crosslines may be clearer than for
some other members of the same genus, in which the markings may be more variable.
The Anglocentric vernacular name reflects the location of the first verified British
record of this rare immigrant. As may be expected, these moths are difficult to
see when at rest on tree bark or rocks, and therefore protected from the
sharp-eyed predators that might want to eat them. Their larvae are catholic feeders,
being able to utilise a variety of shrubs and trees.
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