David Element


Wildlife Photography and Digital Video Images


                                                                                                                                                Arachnoids 15 – Orbweb Spiders




A close up of a flower

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ORBWEB SPIDER Agalenatea redii (form α)


A close up of a flower

Description automatically generated


ORBWEB SPIDER Agalenatea redii (form α)


·         There are three distinct colour forms of the Orbweb Spider Agalenatea redii, the only British representative of this genus that are so different in appearance that one could easily be forgiven for thinking that they were entirely different species, illustrating that a knowledge of morphology rather than patterning is the key to identifying many spiders. The author is no expert on this group, but the photographs match perfectly with reference illustrations for the α (alpha) form. Confusingly the nomenclature of the other forms (δ and ζ) do not apparently follow any logical (Greek) alphabetical order. This species is to be found in the southern counties.



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