David Element


Wildlife Photography and Digital Video Images


                                                                                                                                        Beetles 87 – Ten-spot Ladybirds



A ladybug on a flower

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TEN-SPOT LADYBIRD Adalia decempunctata


A ladybug on a leaf

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TEN-SPOT LADYBIRDS Adalia decempunctata


A ladybug on a leaf

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TEN-SPOT LADYBIRDS Adalia decempunctata


A ladybugs on a leaf

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TEN-SPOT LADYBIRDS Adalia decempunctata


A ladybug on a leaf

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TEN-SPOT LADYBIRD Adalia decempunctata


A ladybug on a leaf

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TEN-SPOT LADYBIRD Adalia decempunctata


A ladybug on a leaf

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TEN-SPOT LADYBIRD Adalia decempunctata


A ladybug on a flower

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TEN-SPOT LADYBIRD Adalia decempunctata


A ladybug on a leaf

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TEN-SPOT LADYBIRD Adalia decempunctata


A ladybug on a leaf

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TEN-SPOT LADYBIRD Adalia decempunctata


·         As may be inferred from the above selection of photographs, the markings of the Ten-spot Ladybird Adalia decempunctata are variable – including the number of elytral spots! The colours may also deepen as the insect matures. However, there is some consistency about the pattern of the dark spots on the pale pronotum, even if the size of the markings is variable. This is a common beetle, although this species was one of those natives impacted by the arrival of the aggressively competitive alien Harlequin Ladybird Harmonia axyridis. Thre have been some signs of a resurgence recently.



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